
Vladimir Tereshchenkov

Navy Assistant Director
PhD (Geographical Sciences)

Ocean expedition center
Directorate of the IO RAS

Udintsev Gleb Borisovich (1927-2017)

Soviet and Russian oceanologist-geomorphologist
Corresponding Member of RAS, DSc (Geographical Sciences), Professor
participant of the Great Patriotic War
twice laureate of the USSR State Prize

Ushakov Georgy Alekseevich (1901-1963)

geographer, polar explorer, Doctor of Geographical Sciences (1950), deputy director of the Institute of Oceanology (1945-1948), member of the USSR Geographical Society since 1926, Honored Polar Explorer of the USSR.

Fedorov Konstantin Nikolaevich (1927-1988)

Oceanologist, DSc (Physical and Mathematical Sciences)
Corresponding Member of the USSR Academy of Sciences
Specialist in Experimental Ocean Physics and Space Oceanology

Zinaida Kharlamova

Group of scientific and technical documentation
Chief Specialist

Pavel Tsaturov 

Deputy Director for Administrative Affairs

Directorate of the IO RAS
Shirshov Petr Petrovich (1905-1953)

hydrologist, DSc (Geographical Sciences) (1937)
full member of the USSR Academy of Sciences (1939)
first director of the Institute of Oceanology
participant of the Great Patriotic War

Victoria Shevarkova

Deputy Director for Property Management

Directorate of the IO RAS

Shtokman Vladimir Borisovich (1909 -1968)

DSc (Physical and Mathematical Sciences), Professor
the founder of most physical laboratories of the IO RAS

Yastrebov Vyacheslav Semenovich (1932-2005) 

DSc (Technical Sciences) (1971), Professor (1978),
full member of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences (1991),
Honored Worker of Science and Technology,
from 1987 to 1992 г. - Director of the Institute of Oceanology

Julia Bogdanova

Assistant director
PR and Media Relations

Oleg Titov

Deputy Director for Fleet, Head of the Center for Marine Expeditionary Research
Head of the Center for Collective Use «Scientific Fleet of IO RAS»
DSc (Geographical Sciences)

Directorate of the IO RAS
Center for Collective Use «Scientific Fleet of IO RAS»

Maria Artemyeva

Scientific Secretary of the IO RAS,
PhD (Philosophical sciences)

Directorate of the IO RAS

Irina Vikulova

The Chief Accountant of the IO RAS

Directorate of the IO RAS

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